Tuesday, October 30, 2012

Zombies Are Heavy!

42 years ago, Charlie was in a "alleged" drunken stooper, and set fire to the town by making a camp fire in an alley way. The towns folk strung him up in outrage. Afterwords, since there was no town to go back too the towns folk left the area. After 42 years, Wormroot could not hold up Charlie any longer.

Wednesday, October 24, 2012

Don't Be A Zombie Shopper!

Loretta here has a problem that most of us have. We go into a store and get zombified. Do the companies spray zombie gas on us or is it just really effective brain washing. Just try it once. Go to the store with a mental list of one or two things. I can almost guarantee that you will come out with more than you intended. Their zombie brain washing is working.

Thursday, October 18, 2012

Vampires & Mirrors

Not every vampire is blessed with good looks. Just think what you would look like if you couldn't see yourself in the mirror for say... 600 years. Yikes! Honestly, Coufen Van Lipshank here looks pretty darn good for 600, but he will never get the ladies with the big green bat hanging from his belfry.

Thursday, October 11, 2012

It Gets Lonely In Prison

After insulting the king by sneezing on his majesties royal turkey leg, Smerken the court jester was locked up to make a point. "Cover your mouth when sneezing!" Unfortunately for the jester, the king caught pneumonia and died. Smerken was forgotten in the bowels of the royal dungeon where he found new friends to entertain.

Tuesday, October 9, 2012

I Hate the Feeling of Being Lost.

Remember how scared you were when you got lost? Imagine being lost for more than 5,000 years!

Sunday, October 7, 2012

Death Comes a Knocking

That's what peep holes are for people. See who is at the door, then just don't answer it when Death comes a knocking.

Friday, October 5, 2012

Do Zombies Get Tired of Eating Brains?

The Pussworths get into the same rut as everyone else. There are only so many ways to prepare brains. Little Bobby Pussworth has had enough.

Wednesday, October 3, 2012

Hard & Crunchy on the Outside, Soft & Creamy on the Inside!

Philmore the dragon once told me, "It's the swords and maces you have to watch out for, they are kind of rough on the upper pallet. On the other hand, knights riding horses are a triple treat, you get the crunchy knight in shining armor, a filling horse and the added bonus of a lance that is ideal for picking food out your teeth. Once you have one you just can't stop."

Saturday, September 29, 2012

Witch Stew...Eww!

Always call before visiting a Witch Lipcrust. You don't want to walk in when she is drying off.